Letting go of control and trusting in the flow

Shinzo igaku
2 min readAug 10, 2021

When we allow ourselves to let go of control
and appreciate the moment simply as it is without seeking anything,
we begin to realize nothing is missing.

What seems to be missing is merely a creation of the mind.

Our expectations cause us suffering.
When we let go of expectations, we depend less on external outcomes
and can focus on areas where we do have control, our choices our how we react to what happens.
Woo-woo or not, I believe that when we open our hearts to the world and trust in the flow, life guides us.

We have expectations and ideas in our minds of how life should be.
We feel betrayed when life does not turn out the way we imagined.
This limited mindset interrupts the transient flow of this realm.

The reality is we have no control over the external world,
and when we attempt to control the uncontrollable,
we end up depleted and disappointed.

Letting go allows us to be open to the natural flow,
and in the process, we learn how to appreciate the simplest of moments.

Seeing the beauty in every moment,
trusting the timing of everything,
letting go of what might be,
accepting what is,
even when it goes against our expectations is an act of courage.

The effortless flow is a guide wiser than any mortal being,
all we need to do is to trust it and let go.

